My Background
I am running for election in Newbridge because I think the Council has seriously lost its way.
I spent my early childhood in the United States, but have lived in Somerset since 1982, and Bath since 2003, where I have raised my two sons. Since 1996 I have been an educational consultant and, through my company Crown Guardians, have acted as legal guardian to over 10,000 international students of all ages, working with hundreds of host families.
I have set up a number of other businesses, including Experience Bath, which provides tourist advice to visitors to our great city. I also support ‘Lizzie’s Soup Run’, a local project helping vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Bath.
Why me?
I have been a LibDem supporter for some years: but what is happening to our city has made me think again. We need to be supporting small businesses with things like decent mobile telephone networks, and a better road system. Why are so many building sites sitting for years undeveloped - why aren’t there more creative solutions being explored?
Recently, I’ve found myself getting frustrated with national and local politics. It seems to me that too much of it is in the hands of career politicians who have limited or no outside, real life experiences. I’ve achieved my chosen career goals completely outside of politics, but I feel this is the ideal time in my life to apply what I have learnt in the real world to improve the political situation for my family, friends, colleagues, and neighbours.
I’ve been really impressed by the energy, vision, diversity, and real-life experience of the local Bath Conservatives, and proud to be part of their team.
I also think this is a pivotal time for Newbridge ward and Bath as a whole. I am looking forward
to meeting many of you and discussing how together we want to take the city forward.
Transport and traffic
Newbridge is an important element in the city’s transport system: the Ward includes the RUH, a Park and Ride, and the commercial sites on Brassmill Lane and Locksbrook Road, running alongside the river: what are the plans for these? Residents must be properly consulted.
We need a citywide school bus system, better pedestrian routes, and why not make use of the river itself?
We also have the Kelston Road, the A431: a key route to and from the City, including to Oldfield School and North Stoke. I want to make sure decisions affecting us in the West of Bath are properly thought through.
Nature and the Environment
The Council should be doing more to support energy efficiency and use of renewables. Funding is there, it takes an entrepreneurial approach to find it. I would like to see beehive sites made available on Council land, with more wild flowers planted to support them: we have to all play our part in sustaining Nature.
I’m a huge live music fan: I’ve attended every Glastonbury Festival since 1983. My taste ranges from Pink Floyd to The Wurzels. Recently Bath hosted Michael Bublé in front of the Royal Crescent, but the Council stopped the Park and Ride buses before the
end of the concert! I want to see a more supportive attitude to festivals and live events across the City: we need Bath to regain its reputation as a leading, lively, festival city.